"one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" - Virginia Woolf

"one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" - Virginia Woolf

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Domestic Goddess

Meet Carol. A domestic goddess in the truest sense of the word and one of my very special friends. Caroline Booth, soon to be Caroline Toich, is a 22 year old from East London. She is a qualified teacher, a talented baker and owner of her own swimwear range - Cayor.

Carol is always baking and does so effortlessly! She produces the most decadent cakes, cookies and treats and loves every second of it. Although it is more a hobby, than a profession, Carol is willing to bake and sell cakes, biscuits, rusks and so much more for anyone craving something sweet or needing eats and treats for functions and social events.

Carol has 5 recipes which have proven to be her most popular: Marshmellows, Chocolate Cake, Carrot Cake, Lemon Meringue and Cookies. I have never met anyone who makes so many biscuits and funny enough, her nickname at school was "Cookie". Funny how some things just work out right?  

Carol makes two types of Marshmallows: Pink Rosewater and Vanilla coated in Coconut. Truely delicious and leaves everyone wanting more.
She also bakes the most decadent, over-indulgent chocolate cakes which are to die for. Her triple layered chocolate cake filled with caramel treat and smarties between each layer is covered with chocolate ganache and sprinkled with crushed flake and oreo. This has been a hit with her family, especially her youngest brother, Neill who requested this as his birthday cake. She also bakes a classic double layer chocolate cake.
Carol's Carrot Cake (my personal favourite) is topped with cream cheese icing and pecan nuts. It can also be made as mini cupcakes and is an all time winner according to her family and friends .
Her lemon meringue pie is one of her fiances regular requests and the images of this delicious dessert are enough to leave one's mouth watering. A layer of crushed tennis biscuits, topped with a lemon tart layer and finally a crisp meringue is a tease to one's tastebuds. 

Finally, Carol's homeamde biscuits. These bisuits are made from a family recipe and are Caroline's favourite childhood memory. She uses a simple butter biscuit recipe and then her creativity takes over. She covers them in sprinkles or sliced cherries and fills them with chocolate vermicilli, Nutella, choc chips, nuts - basically anything's one heart desires. 

"You can't buy happiness but you can buy cupcakes and that's kind of the same thing". If you would like to order from Caroline, you can email her at cooks27@gmail.com

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